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【official website】nongda 920, different gibberellin-pg电子下载

publisher:adminrelease time:2019-01-03
abstract: nongda 920 has three advantages: 1. higher content, better effect: compared with the common 3% content products on the market, the content of this product is 4%, 1% higher, equal to the effective ingredients increased by 25%. 2. primary drug manufact
nongda 920 has three advantages:
1. higher content, better effect: compared with the common 3% content products on the market, the content of this product is 4%, 1% higher, equal to the effective ingredients increased by 25%.

2. primary drug manufacturers, cost advantages: give full play to the advantages of the original drug produced by oneself, add quantity and increase price, 4% of the content is sold according to the market price of 3% of the content products, which is equivalent to more than 10,000 yuan per ton of direct profit, grabbing is equal to earning.

3. mother liquor extraction, more complete effect: this product is directly extracted from biological fermentation mother liquor, effective ingredients in addition to ga3, but also rich in ga4 7 and other beneficial factors, so the performance is more stable, more comprehensive efficacy, more prominent effect.

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