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【official website】affected by multiple factors, the expected revenue of small and medium-pg电子下载

publisher:农达生化release time:2020-05-11
abstract: novel coronavirus pneumonia has been used to investigate the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on chinas agricultural sector. as of april 21, a total of 203 enterprises in 22 provinces, districts and cities were surveyed, among which 78% wer

novel coronavirus pneumonia has been used to investigate the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on china's agricultural sector. as of april 21, a total of 203 enterprises in 22 provinces, districts and cities were surveyed, among which 78% were small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises with 50 employees or less. the survey shows that due to the increase of logistics labor cost, the decrease of downstream demand, and the increase of financing difficulty, the operating efficiency of the enterprise has declined year on year, and the expected revenue in the first half of the year is relatively pessimistic. some enterprises have enjoyed certain national preferential policies in the epidemic situation. in the future, enterprises generally say that they should pay more attention to the layout of online business, accelerate the research and development of new products and services, and look forward to more national policy support.
1、 in the face of the epidemic situation, enterprises participating in the investigation have taken emergency measures
among the surveyed enterprises, 47.29% are agricultural circulation enterprises, 6.4% are agricultural production enterprises, 46.31% are agricultural comprehensive management enterprises; the proportion of private enterprises accounts for 41.87% of all the surveyed enterprises; the proportion of supply and marketing cooperatives' share-holding enterprises accounts for 68.97%. the survey covers 22 provinces and autonomous regions including guizhou, hunan, shandong, hebei and chongqing.
in the face of the sudden epidemic, enterprises have taken emergency safeguard measures, of which 31.83% rely on online information and services; 28.38% use remote office and other flexible ways to work; 15.38% work overtime to make up for the loss of early production and shutdown; 11.14% accelerate the research, development and sales of new products and services. as of march 25, 81.28% of the enterprises had returned to work.
2. the epidemic has brought multiple impacts on agricultural enterprises, with 70% of them expected to see a year-on-year decline in revenue and profit in the first half of the year
the epidemic situation affected the operation of agricultural enterprises in many aspects in the first quarter. although the national logistics and transportation has entered a normal state, 75.86% of the enterprises think that the most affected is the transportation and logistics problem in the first quarter; secondly, 61% of the enterprises choose the upstream supply problem; the other proportion reflecting the production and circulation progress delay, cost increase, downstream demand reduction and financing difficulty increase caused by the shutdown and suspension of business have a greater impact on the enterprises in turn is 52.71% 、48.28%、47.78%、26.11%。
70% of the surveyed enterprises think that the demand for fertilizer for spring ploughing in this province is decreasing year on year
according to the interviewees, 22.17% of the province's demand for fertilizer for spring ploughing was the same as that of last year, and 2.95% of the province's demand for fertilizer for spring ploughing increased year on year. 74.88% of the surveyed enterprises believed that the demand for fertilizer for spring ploughing decreased to some extent due to the poor logistics affected by the epidemic situation, the difficulty in selling agricultural products, and the lack of funds for farmers to purchase fertilizer this year. among them, 14.78%, 26.11% and 24.63% respectively thought that this year's fall in the demand for fertilizer for spring ploughing was within 20% - 30%, 10% - 20% and 10%.
80% of the enterprises interviewed reported the increase of logistics and transportation costs
at the beginning of the epidemic, transport vehicles and loading and unloading workers were in short supply and the cost increased. the restrictions set between villages also led to a significant increase in the driving distance of vehicles. in addition, after part of long-distance automobile transportation was changed to railway road combined transportation, the loading and unloading steps increased and the logistics transportation cost increased. 84.73% of the surveyed enterprises reported that the labor cost of logistics in the first quarter affected by the epidemic increased year on year, of which the majority of the enterprises chose "within 10% increase over the same period of last year" and "10% - 20% increase over the same period of last year", accounting for 32.51% of both enterprises. 2.46% of enterprises reported that the labor cost of logistics increased by more than 40% compared with last year.
more than 30% of the enterprises interviewed have a large funding gap
during the period affected by the new crown epidemic, due to the difficulty in entering the village and selling in the early stage, the inventory time of most agricultural enterprises has been prolonged, the speed of capital turnover has slowed down, coupled with the large amount of funds occupied by agricultural business, and this year, affected by the difficulty in selling agricultural products in the early stage, the difficulty in operating and collecting funds has increased, and the enterprises are facing the difficulty of capital shortage. in the survey, only 16.75% of the enterprises reported that there was no fund gap, and 83.25% of the enterprises had different degrees of fund gap. among them, 27.59% and 5.42% of the enterprises interviewed had large fund gap and were difficult to maintain their operation, accounting for 33.01% in total.
60% of the respondents' sales decreased year on year
the market share of nearly 50% enterprises has declined to varying degrees
under the influence of multiple factors such as the decrease of fertilizer demand for spring ploughing, 66.50% of the surveyed enterprises' product sales decreased year on year. compared with the same period last year, the sales volume of enterprises decreased by less than 10%, 10% - 20%, 20% - 30%, 30% - 40% and more than 40% respectively, accounting for 16.26%, 19.21%, 15.27%, 9.36% and 6.40%; the proportion of enterprises with the same sales volume last year was 21.18%; the sales volume of enterprises with 12.32% increased compared with that of last year.
in terms of the market share of the province, 49.26% of the enterprises think it has declined to some extent compared with the same period last year, 41.87% of the enterprises think it is basically the same as the same period last year, but 8.87% of the enterprises think that the market share has increased to some extent compared with the same period last year.
the main business income of the interviewed enterprises decreased year on year
70% of enterprises are pessimistic about their revenue and profit expectation in the first half of the year.
in 2019, the average main business income of large-scale agricultural enterprises with main business income of more than 200 million yuan was 2.775 billion yuan, up 14.62% year on year; the average main business income of medium-sized agricultural enterprises with main business income of 5-200 million yuan was 36.4414 million yuan, up 3.15% year on year; the average main business income of small and micro agricultural enterprises with main business income of less than 5 million yuan was 1.0732 million yuan, up 3.15% year on year it increased by 2.56%.
but in 2020, under the influence of multiple factors such as the epidemic situation and the decline of sales volume, the operating efficiency of enterprises generally declined. according to the survey of operating revenue in february 2020, the average operating revenue of large, medium and small-sized agricultural enterprises is 195 million yuan, 2462100 yuan and 138900 yuan, respectively, down 18.74%, 1.24% and 9.83% year on year. on the whole, the main business income of all the interviewed enterprises was 35.3676 million yuan, down 7.39% year on year.
the respondents are generally pessimistic about the operating income and profit in the first half of this year. in the first half of the year, 71.92% of the enterprises expect the operating revenue of the company to decline year-on-year, of which 56.65% are expected to decline by less than 30%; 19.21% are expected to be the same as last year, and 8.87% are expected to grow. in the first half of the year, 77.34% of the enterprises are expected to decline compared with the same period last year, of which 55.17% are expected to decline within 30%; 14.29% are expected to be flat; 8.37% are expected to increase profits.
3. more enterprises layout online business and look forward to more national policy support
in the investigation of future development planning, 71.92% of the respondents clearly stated that they should stick to the main business of agricultural means of production, and 5.91% of the enterprises considered to transform other industries. more enterprises plan to layout online business, of which 45.81% said they will increase the investment in online e-commerce, 47.78% will carry out more online agricultural technology services, and 31.03% will increase the investment in online office. in addition, 40.39% of enterprises said that they would increase the business scope and strength of new products in the future.
under the influence of the epidemic, the relevant departments of the state issued a variety of preferential policies, many agricultural enterprises benefited. among them, 23.15% of the surveyed enterprises reported that they enjoyed preferential policies in terms of loans, 20.20% in terms of agricultural material reserves, 33.49% in terms of taxes, 14.78% in terms of social security, job stabilization subsidies, property, water and electricity fees, but 37.44% did not enjoy any preferential policies.
in view of the impact of the current epidemic, the interviewed agricultural enterprises are looking forward to more policy support. first, we look forward to more tax relief. among them, 47.78%, 51.72% and 12.31% of enterprises expect to reduce the value-added tax, reduce the tax rate of value-added tax, reduce or reduce the value-added tax of import and export products; 27.09% and 25.12% of enterprises expect to reduce the stamp tax and the tax rate of enterprise stamp tax. second, we hope to get more credit support. 62.07% of the enterprises are looking forward to getting certain loan discount, 42.36% of the enterprises are looking forward to getting medium and long-term loans. in addition, 25.61% and 21.67% of enterprises also expect to be able to help enterprises provide anti epidemic goods and allow enterprises to implement phased flexible compensation.

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